This is a test status. It has formatting, and also, can link to pages.

This is a warning. Pay attention to it!

This is an error. Oh no!

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to correct a transcription to be able to listen to an audio file?

No! While we would love you to jump in and get involved in correcting our computer-generated transcripts, you can also just simply listen to and enjoy an audio file by clicking the “Play All” button. The Amplify player will run through the transcript as you listen along and if you like you can begin correcting at any point within an audio file.

Do I need to be logged in to contribute?

No! Anyone can contribute at any time without logging in. If you do choose to log in, you’ll be able to see all the edits you’ve made when you return the next time. This can be useful if you’re working on a long transcript and would like to return to it later. Your work is always automatically saved regardless of whether or not you’re logged in. If you chose to login, it's best to do so at the start of your editing session.

Can I transcribe collections from home?

Absolutely! You can start transcribing on Amplify whenever and wherever suits you best. This is an online project and all you need to participate is a desktop or tablet and an internet connection.

I want to leave the page how do I save my work?

All your work is automatically saved. When you come to a stopping point, you don’t need to do anything extra to save your work!

Why are there different progress bars?

This is a community effort. We display total progress made by the community in the transcript. Since we require several people to edit each transcript, the overall progress will appear less than your individual progress. Log in at the "Track Progress" to keep track of your individual progress through interviews.

What happens if I make a mistake?

Don't worry! Edit the transcript as best you can from what you hear. Several people will edit each transcript to help ensure accuracy.

The audio repeats on two lines. Which line should I transcribe it on?

Listen closely. If a word is cut off on one line, transcribe it on the line where you can hear it completely. If a word is spoken in its entirety on two lines, use your best judgment to transcribe it on just one line. These tricky transcriptions will be smoothed out during the verify stage.

What happens if the line is correct and we don't need to make any edits?

Sometimes the computer-generated process hits it out of the park and transcribes a line perfectly. In that case, no edits are needed. When enough volunteers pass over a line without editing it, the line will reach consensus in the same manner as edited lines.

What to do when a line is locked and still contains errors?

Sometimes a mistake will slip through and a line locked for editing may still contain an error. In this case, please use the flagging mechanism. By clicking on the flag symbol at the end of an incorrect line, you will be prompted to classify the error and to add an optional, explanatory note. Staff at the State Library will be periodically reviewing and correcting these flagged errors.

Can I delete and/or create a new line in the transcript?

No. Transcript lines are synced with clips of audio. For audio clips where the interviewer and/or interviewee are silent, we want to retain the empty line to show this.

Several people are speaking in one line. What should I do?

Transcribe the audio as you hear it and tag the line as having multiple speakers by using the person icon at the beginning of each line.

Can I use the tool on my phone?

You can access Amplify on your phone to listen to audio files, but editing hasn’t been optimised for mobile devices so it’s best to do any editing from a tablet or desktop.

When will you be adding more collections to this platform?

There are several participating institutions using Amplify who add collections periodically to the platform for you to listen to and correct. If there is a particular collection you would like to be made available, please feel free to contact the specific institution.

Still have a question?

If you have any further questions, you can find a list of contact details for all participating institutions, or else you can contact the State Library of NSW by sending an email to